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Solving Case Studies through Asynchronous Learning Networks: Possibilities and Limitations

Authors: Benbunan-Fich, Raquel
Issue Date: Apr-1998
Publisher: Stern School of Business, New York University
Series/Report no.: IS-98-14
Abstract: Business Schools have been using case studies to present real or hypothetical situations to bridge the gap between knowledge and action. New communication technologies can be incorporated into the case method of teaching, allowing participants to be in different locations and to work at their own convenience. An Asynchronous Learning Network is a Computer-Mediated Communication System to support "anytime/anywhere" interaction by providing a combination of database and conferencing system. A field experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of an ALN vs. traditional manual methods at both the individual and group level for the solution of a case study. Findings indicate that groups working in an asynchronous networked environment produced better and more complete solutions to the case study, but were less satisfied with the interaction process. Further research in the implementation of ALN's promises to enhance the quality of education and to provide future managers with essential expertise in new communication technologies.
Appears in Collections:IOMS: Information Systems Working Papers

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