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CeDER Working Papers

The Center for Digital Economy Research supports research related to technology. In addition, the Center for Digital Economy Research maintains a comprehensive list of all Stern School research related to the digital economy.

Collection's Items: 41 to 60 of 80

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2006Information Disclosure and Regulatory Compliance: Economic Issues and Research DirectionsGhose, Anindya
Jan-2005Internet Exchanges for Used Books: An Empirical Analysis of Welfare ImplicationsGhose, Anindya; Smith, Michael D.; Telang, Rahul
Nov-2004IT Driven Automation: The New WaveTuzhilin, Alex
13-Sep-2007Leveraging Aggregate Ratings for Better RecommendationsUmyarov, Akhmed; Tuzhilin, Alexander
27-May-2009Leveraging aggregate ratings for improving predictive performance of recommender systemsUmyarov, Akhmed; Tuzhilin, Alexander
26-May-2009Limit Laws in Transaction-Level Asset Price ModelsAue, Alexander; Horvath, Lajos; Hurvich, Clifford
Jan-2005Local Network Effects and Network StructureSundararajan, Arun
30-May-2003Market Segmentation for Information Goods with Network ExternalitiesJing, Bing
23-Jun-2006Modeling and Managing Changes in Text DatabasesIpeirotis, Panagiotis G.; Ntoulas, Alexandros; Cho, Junghoo; Gravano, Luis
1-Dec-2010Modeling Dependency in Prediction MarketsArchak, Nikolay; Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.
1-Oct-2008Modeling Volatility in Prediction MarketsArchak, Nikolay; Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.
2004Models of Customer Behavior: From Populations to IndividualsJiang, Tianyi; Tuzhilin, Alex
2006A Multi-Level Examination of the Impact of Social Identities on Economic Transactions in Electronic MarketsForman, Chris; Ghose, Anindya; Wiesenfeld, Batia
15-Dec-2004Nonconvex Production Technology and Price DiscriminationJing, Bing; Radner, Roy
28-Mar-2011Online Active Inference and LearningAttenberg, Josh; Provost, Foster
13-Apr-2004Online Auction and List Price Revenue ManagementCaldentey, Rene; Vulcano, Gustavo
Mar-2006Personalized Pricing and Quality DesignGhose, Anindya; Huang, Ke-Wei
Jan-2005Personalized Pricing and Quality DifferentiationChoudhary, Vidyanand; Ghose, Anindya; Mukhopadhyay, Tridas; Rajan, Uday
24-Sep-2009Prediction in Financial Markets: The Case for Small DisjunctsDhar, Vasant
Nov-2005Pricing Models for On-Demand ComputingHuang, Ke-Wei; Sundararajan, Arun