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Browsing "Finance Working Papers" by Issue Date

Showing results 229 to 248 of 839
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Sep-2007Linearity-Generating Processes: A Modelling Tool Yielding Closed Forms for Asset PricesGabaix, Xavier
Sep-2007Skill Biased Financial Development: Education, Wages and Occupations in the U.S. Financial SectorPhilippon, Thomas; Reshef, Ariell
Aug-2007Does Corporate Governance Matter in Competitive Industries?Giroud, Xavier; M. Mueller, Holger
Aug-2007Why Did FDR’s Bank Holiday Succeed?L. Silber*, William
Aug-2007The Equilibrium Size of the Financial SectorPhilippon, Thomas
Aug-2007Auctioning Sovereign Bonds: A Global Cross-Section Investigation of the Price MechanismBrenner, Menachem; Galai, Dan; Sade, Orly
12-Jun-2007The Investment Behavior of Buyout Funds:Theory and EvidenceLjungqvist, Alexander; Richardson, Matthew; Wolfenzon, Daniel
7-Jun-2007The Age of Reason: Financial Decisions Over the LifecycleAgarwal, Sumit; John C., Driscoll; Xavier, Gabaix; Laibson, David
18-May-2007The economic determinants of interest rate option smilesDeuskar, PRACHI; Gupta, ANURAG; SUBRAHMANYAM, MARTI G.
6-May-2007Networking as a Barrier to Entry and the Competitive Supply of Venture CapitalHochberg, Yael; Ljungqvist, Alexander; Lu, Yang
May-2007Pay Me Later: Inside Debt and Its Role in Managerial CompensationSundaram, Rangarajan K.; Yermack, David L.
May-2007The Market for Volatility Trading; VIX FuturesBrenner, Menachem; Shu, Jinghong; Zhang, Jin E.
10-Apr-2007Scaling the Hierarchy: How and Why Investment Banks Compete for Syndicate Co-Management AppointmentsLjungqvist, Alexander; Marston, Felicia; Wilhelm Jr., William J.
2-Apr-2007Glucksman Fellowship Program Student Research ReportsNanda, Harsh; Chokshi, Narendra; MacNamara, Andrew; Verdasca, Andrew; Dew, Jeven
6-Mar-2007Networking as a Barrier to Entry and the Competitive Supply of Venture CapitalHochberg, Yael; Ljungqvist, Alexander; Lu, Yang
Mar-2007Liquidity Effects in Interest Rate Options Markets: Premium or Discount?DEUSKAR, PRACHI; GUPTA, ANURAG; SUBRAHMANYAM, MARTI G.
14-Feb-2007Risk Premia in International Equity Markets RevisitedBrown, Stephen J.; Hiraki, Takato; Arakawa, Kiyoshi; Ohno, Saburo
16-Jan-2007Separating the Components of Default Risk:A Derivative-Based ApproachLe, Anh
9-Jan-2007Catering Through Nominal Share PricesBaker, Malcolm; Greenwood, Robin; Wurgler, Jeffrey
Showing results 229 to 248 of 839 < previous   next >