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dc.contributor.authorCalvet, Laurent-
dc.contributor.authorFisher, Adlai-
dc.description.abstractThis paper investigates the Multifractal Model of Asset Returns, a continuous-time process that incorporates the thick tails and volatility persistence exhibited by many financial time series. The model is constructed by compounding a Brownian Motion with a multifractal time-deformation process. Return moments scale as a power law of the time horizon, a property confirmed for Deutschemark / U.S. Dollar exchange rates and several equity series. The model implies semi-martingale prices and thus precludes arbitrage in a standard two-asset economy. Volatility has long-memory, and the highest finite moment of returns can have any value greater than two. The local variability of the process is characterized by a renormalized probability density of local Hölder exponents. Unlike standard models, multifractal paths contain a multiplicity of these exponents within any time interval. We develop an estimation method, and infer a parsimonious generating mechanism for the exchange rate series. Simulated samples replicate the moment-scaling found in the data.en
dc.subjectMultifractal Model of Asset Returnsen
dc.subjectCompound Stochastic Processen
dc.subjectTime Deformationen
dc.subjectMultifractal Spectrumen
dc.subjectStochastic Volatilityen
dc.titleA Multifractal Model of Assets Returnsen
dc.typeWorking Paperen
Appears in Collections:Finance Working Papers

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