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Intimate partner violence against women during and after pregnancy: a cross-sectional study in Mumbai slums

Authors: Das, Sushmita
Bapat, Ujwala
More, Neena Shah
Alcock, Glyn
Joshi, Wasundhara
Pantvaidya, Shanti
Osrin, David
Keywords: Women's studies;Gender and sexuality;Domestic violence;Slums;Maternal health;Intimate partner violence
Issue Date: 9-Sep-2013
Publisher: BioMed Central
Description: "Intimate partner violence against women during maternity was unacceptably common in Mumbai’s slums. One in seven women suffered violence during or shortly after pregnancy. IPV begins in a culture that condones it – indeed, justifies it - and is abetted by poverty and alcohol use. The elements of the violent milieu are mutually reinforcing and need to be taken into account collectively in responding to both individual cases and framing public health initiatives."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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