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A study of family courts TamilNadu

Authors: EKTA Resource Center for Women
Keywords: Women's studies;Political participation;Family Court Act of 1984;Social structure;Violence against women;Law
Issue Date: May-2008
Publisher: EKTA Resource Center for Women
Description: "The Family Court Act of 1984 was conceived as part of the legal reform to improve the position of women. The Act also brought civil and criminal jurisdictions under one roof. This was seen positive measure to centralize all litigations concerning women. The Family Courts Act, 1984, was enacted to provide for the establishment of Family Courts with a view to promote conciliation in and secure speedy settlement of disputes relating to marriage and family affairs and for matters connected therewith by adopting an approach radically different from that adopted in ordinary civil proceedings.EKTA initiated a field study in 2003 to have an in-depth understanding about the functioning of the Family Courts. At the same time, there were initiatives at the nation - level to review the functioning of the Family Courts. EKTA was also a part of that discussion. In 2005, association with Ms.Flavia Agnes of Majlis, Mumbai prompted EKTA to undertake a detailed study in Tamilnadu."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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