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Final report: surrogate motherhood- ethical or commercial

Authors: Kumari, Ranjana
Keywords: Women's studies;Motherhood;Surrogacy;Social issues;Planned parenthood;Family planning;Medical science and technology;Laws;Governmental regulation
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Centre for Social Research
Description: "This report on Surrogate ―Motherhood: Ethical or Commercial‖ has six chapters including an Introduction, a Literature Review and the Conclusion. Chapter II discusses the literature available on surrogacy, both national and international documents, and also analyses surrogacy arrangements across the globe, the legal issues so far, etc. at length. Chapter III chronicles the profile and plight of the surrogate mother before and after surrogacy and aims at analysing her status in the entire motherhood process, taking into consideration each and every aspect of the surrogacy arrangement. Chapter IV looks at the Commissioning Parents and aims to give an overview of the profile of the commissioning parents, their perspectives and views regarding surrogacy arrangement in India and a detailed analysis of different factors in surrogacy. This chapter also deals with the surrogacy clinics, primarily focussing on the detailed observations of the researchers during field visits as the medical practitioners concerned were unwilling to divulge information about their modus operandi. The last chapter consists of a conclusion on the existing situation of surrogate motherhood in India and recommends formulation of a strong legal framework to address the issue of surrogacy in India."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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