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Women in self help groups and Panchayti Raj institutions: suggesting synergistic linkages

Authors: Deshmukh-Ranadive, Joy
Keywords: Women's studies;Women in development -- India;Women -- Political activity -- India;Women in development;Women -- Political activity;Microfinance;Self help
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Centre for Women's Development Studies
Description: "It can be said that given the fact India has seen two major initiatives towards women’s empowerment, in the guise of PRIs and micro finance, the time has now come for research to delve into unraveling the areas of overlap between the two processes. There are issues, which affect women’s lives intimately which are seen in both initiatives. A common conceptualization of empowerment should be used to gauge the extent of empowerment that has been unleashed by women’s participation in PRIs and in SHGs. It is not to suggest that necessarily there are similarities or that similarities have to found under any circumstance. The purpose of this paper has been to suggest that there already exist linkages between the two processes and the extent and scope of these linkages need further investigation. Such research will serve well to suggest policy change that will coordinate between these two processes."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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