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Education and rural women: towards an alternative perspective

Authors: Mazumdar, Vina
Keywords: Women's studies;Rural women -- Education -- India;Women -- Education -- India;Rural women -- Education;Women -- Education
Issue Date: 1988
Publisher: Centre for Women's Development Studies
Description: "To fellow educators who have assembled here from different countries to discuss the future role of education in achieving gender equality, I have two messages from millions of rural women of my country, and I believe, from many other parts of the world. The first is to recognise and support their collective struggle for human survival, including their own, against the destruction of their productive base, land, water, forests and other natural resources by types of development that are planned far away from them, by people and agencies they are not aware of, and through the use or misuse of knowledge power which has been kept away from them by a process of historical change that has increased their powerlessness, and deprivation."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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