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dc.contributor.authorHive Research Lab-
dc.description.abstractHRL Jumpstarts are concise tip sheets that aim to capture “good practices” of interest to the Hive NYC community. Jumpstarts combine the lab’s field observations of Hive members in action with understandings of what existing literature recommends in order to come up with “conjectures,” or best guesses, as to what might support the work of the Hive. This Jumpstart suggests ways to use one-day events to support youth learning trajectories and networked innovation.en
dc.description.sponsorshipNew York Community Trusten
dc.publisherHive Research Laben
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHRL Jumpstarts;1-
dc.rightsThis work is copyrighted by Indiana University and New York University, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
dc.titleJumpstart : Pop - Ups, Hack Jams & Maker Partiesen
Appears in Collections:dolcelab collection

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