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Interlibrary Loan Collection

Collection's Items: 1 to 18 of 18

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19043 Preludes pour piano par A. Scriabine Op. 35Scriabine, Alexander
Feb-1987Frequency Domain Bootstrap Methods For Time SeriesHurvich, Clifford M.; Zeger, Scott
10-Aug-1944Japanese Administrative Organization in TaiwanUnited States. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
1906KhaldouniaLasram, Mohamad; Asram, Muhammad
1875Liste des Publications faites depuies les 1er Janvir 1861 jusqu'a fin mai 1875, par Jules Gay, J. Gay et fils, et par la Societe des Bibliophiles CosmopolitesGay, Jules
1929Litanies des Femmes, op. 34. Pour chant et orchestreSaminsky, Lazare
1924Nouvelle CamilleBersou, Simone
1952O tvorcheskom metode K. S. StanislavskogoAbalkin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
29-Jul-1916Report of Experimental Work in the School of ChildhoodChambers, Will
1960Revolution KamerunaiseBureau du Comite Directeur de l'U.P.C.
1962Seminar on Forestry Held in Tehran, Iran July 1959Seminar on Forestry (Tehran Iran 1959)
1950A summary of the legislation of Jamaica relating to agriculture and forestryJamaica, Department of Agriculture
1905Trois morceaux pour piano par A. Scriabine Op. 45-
1844Ueber die Aesthetik der hegelschen PhilosophieDanzel, Theodor
Sep-1976Upper-Limb Prosthetics 1971 Edition Including Prosthetists' Supplement 1976 RevisionNew York University Post-Graduate Medical School, Prosthetics and Orthotics
1953Welfare Facilities for Dock Workers. Third Item on the Agenda: ReportInternational Labour Office; International Labour Organisation; Inland Transport Committee
1929Werk des Thomaskantors Johann Schelle (1648-1701)Graupner, Friedrich
1921Winn's How To Play RagtimeWinn School of Popular Music