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ISAW Digital South Caucasus Collection

Welcome to the ISAW Digital South Caucasus Collection (DSCC), a digital archive and library of archaeological reports, surveys, and scholarship on the South Caucasus. The DSCC is a collection in the Ancient World Digital Library (AWDL), a project of Library of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University. AWDL’s mission is to identify, collect, curate, and provide access to a broad range of scholarly materials relevant to the study of the ancient world.

Collection's Items: 1 to 20 of 76

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013A Topoarchaeological Dictionary of Kartlis Tskhovreba (History of Georgia), 2013, Tb.Gamqreliże, Gela
1989Abramishvili, საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მუზეუმის ბიზანტიური მონეტები (1966-1984 წწ.) (1989)Abramishvili, T.|აბრამიშვილი, თ.|Абрамишвили,Т.Я.
1982Antadze - Sakartvelosa da Turketis urtiertoba X-XVIII saukuneebshi Numizmatikis draftebis mikhedvit (1982)Antadze, M. |ანთაზე, მ. |Антадзе, М. Г.
2014Archaeology Of The Roman Period Of GeorgiaGamqreliże, Gela
2014Archaeology Of The Roman Period Of GeorgiaGamqreliże, Gela
1964Armenii︠a︡ v ėpokhu bronzy i rannego zhelezaMartirosi︠a︡n, A. A. (Aruti︠u︡n Artashesovich), 1921-1977
1964Armenii︠a︡ v ėpokhu bronzy i rannego zhelezaMartirosi︠a︡n, A. A. (Aruti︠u︡n Artashesovich), 1921-1977
2011The Caucasian FibulaeSulava, Nino
1977Chartolani, Svanetis Brinjaos Khanis arkeologiuri dzeglebi Vol. 1 (catalogue) (1977)Chartolani, Sh. |ჩართოლანი, შ. |Чартолани. Щ.Г.
1976Chartolani, მასალები სვანეთის არქეოლოგიისათვის ტომი I ( სვანეთის კომპლექსური ექსპედიციის 1972-1974 წლების არქეოლოგიური მუშაობის შედეგები) (1976)Chartolani, Sh.
2003Dziebani - Supplement X (Problems of Caucasian Bronze-Iron Age Archaeology)Puturidze, M.
2012The Early Christian period Church complex from DmanisiKakhiani, K.
1941Excursions archéologiques dans la vallée du MachavériMuskhelishvili, L.
1982Gamkrelidze, Tsentraluri Kolkhetis dzveli namosakhlari (1982)Gamkrelidze, G. |გამყრელიძე, გ. |Гамкрелидзе, Г. А.
1978Gobejishvili, Tetritskaros Nasoflari (1978)Gobejishvili, G.|გობეჯიშვილი,გ.|Гобеджишвили, Г. Ф.
1982Gogadze, Kolkhetis Brinjaosa da Adreuli rkinis khanis namosakhlarta kultura (1982)Gogadze, E.|გოგაძე, ე.|Гогадзе, Е. М.
2011Hellenistic burials from the Colchian city-sitesMatʻiašvili, Nana
2014IBERIA-COLCHIS Researches on the Archaeology and History of Georgia in the Classical and Early Medieval Period 10
2007IBERIA-COLCHIS Researches on the Archaeology and History of Georgia in the Classical and Early Medieval Period 3
2008IBERIA-COLCHIS Researches on the Archaeology and History of Georgia in the Classical and Early Medieval Period 4