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Urban planning in Banda Aceh: supporting local actors after the Tsunami

Authors: Yoseph-Paulus, Rahayu
Maynard, Victoria
Parker, Elizabeth
Garcia, David
Keywords: Indonesia -- Urban planning; Indonesia -- local government; Indonesia -- humanitarian crises; Indonesia -- Tsunami -- capacity building; Indonesia -- natural disasters; Indonesia -- disaster management; Environmental Studies
Issue Date: Oct-2017
Publisher: International Institute for Environment and Development
Description: "There is increasing awareness of the importance of humanitarian agencies supporting and collaborating with local actors in order to restore city functions following humanitarian crises. This research aimed to document learning from UN-Habitat’s experiences of supporting communities and local government to undertake urban planning after the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, in 2004. Despite the challenges of urban planning after a complex crisis, in areas devastated by the tsunami, UN-Habitat successfully supported communities and local government to develop village plans, a spatial plan for Meuraxa sub-district, and update the wider spatial plan for Banda Aceh City."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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