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Dataset - Thingi10k-Uniform

Authors: Schneider, Teseo
Hu, Yixin
Gao, Xifeng
Dumas, Jeremie
Zorin, Denis
Panozzo, Daniele
Keywords: Finite elements;Tetrahedral meshes;Hexahedral meshes
Issue Date: 2019
Description: Please refer to the collection for more details. 875 hex-meshes generated with MeshGems with reduced octree refinement range and 875 tetmeshes generated with Tetwild both obtained from the surfaces in the Thingi10k dataset.
Rights: MIT License
Appears in Collections:A Large Scale Comparison of Tetrahedral and Hexahedral Elements for Finite Element Analysis

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
uniform_hex.tar.gz20.88 GBUnknownView/Open
uniform_tet.tar.gz45.89 GBUnknownView/Open

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