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dc.contributor.composerAaron Lebedeff
dc.titleLebedeff's Medley
dc.title.yiddishtitleLebedeff's Medley
dc.subject.keywordsLebedeff ; Lebedeff's Medley ; MEdley ; Aaron Lebedeff ; aaron ; Seymour ; Rexite ; Seymour Rexite ; Oy, Di Meydelekh ; Wow, the Girls ; Oscar Shumsky ; Oscar ; Shumsky ; Livoika Molodiets ; Oy, I Like She ; I Like She ; Alexander ; Oleshanetzky ; Alexander Oleshanetzky ; JAcob ; Jacob Jacobs ; Jacobs ; A Nakht in California ; Nakht in California ; Livoika ; California ; A Yiddishe Meydl darf a Yiddishen Boy ; A Yiddishe Meydl ; Nokh Amol ; Nerven ; Nerves ; Farvos Hob Ikh Dikh Nit Bageygent ; Farvos Hob Ikh ; Aleh Viln a Khasene Hoben ; Aleh Viln a Khasene ; Khasene ; Yisroel, Yisroel ; Israel ; Everyone Wants to Get Married ; Everyone Wants ; Am Yisroel Khai ; Romania, Romania ; Romania ; folk
Appears in Collections:Audio

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