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Excavations at Amheida, 2005

Authors: Davoli, Paola
Keywords: Ancient Egypt;Roman Egypt;Late Antique Egypt;Third Intermediate Period;Late Period;Archaeology;Amheida;Trimithis;Dakhla Oasis
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: Amheida was the most important town of northwest Dakhleh in antiquity. The excavations of Columbia University, as part of the DOP, were begun in 2004 after preliminary survey work in 2001 and 2002. Last year's excavations were carried out with a small team, which focused on a late Roman house with a central painted room and on clearance of surface debris from two further areas in anticipation of our 2005 campaign. During the 2005 season, a much enlarged team continued conservation and excavation work on the late Roman house (Area 2.1), began the excavation of the site of the Temple of Thoth (Area 4.1), and excavated part of a less wealthy house in Area 1.3. In addition, several types of survey were carried out for future planning and for a more complete view of the ancient city.
Appears in Collections:The NYU Amheida Excavations

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