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Geophysical Survey 2006 Figures

Authors: Smekalova, Tatyana
Smekalov, Sergej
Keywords: Ancient Egypt;Roman Egypt;Late Antique Egypt;Amheida;Trimithis;Magnetometry;Archaeology;Electrical Conductivity
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: Electrical conductivity and magnetic surveys were carried out on the site of Amheida in January 2006 during 3 weeks. Briefer surveys were carried out on the neighboring sites of ‘Ain el-Gezzareen (conductivity and magnetic measurements) and ‘Ain el-Gedida (magnetic "free search"). These figures show the results of the survey and are companion to the 2006 Geophysical Survey report by Tatyana N. Smekalova and Sergej Smekalov.
Appears in Collections:The NYU Amheida Excavations

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