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Book Review: Laboratories of Learning: Social Movements, Education and Knowledge-Making in the Global South by Mario Novelli, Birgül Kutan, Patrick Kane, Adnan Çelik, Tejendra Pherali, and Saranel Benjamin

Authors: Souto-Maior, João
Keywords: Social Movements;Global South;Social Movements and learning;Education in Emergencies
Issue Date: Feb-2025
Publisher: Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies
Citation: Souto-Maior, João. 2025. “Book Review: Laboratories of Learning: Social Movements, Education and Knowledge-Making in the Global South by Mario Novelli, Birgül Kutan, Patrick Kane, Adnan Çelik, Tejendra Pherali, and Saranel Benjamin.” Journal on Education in Emergencies 10 (1): 194-97.
Series/Report no.: Volume 10;Number 1
Abstract: In his review of Laboratories of Learning: Social Movements, Education, and Knowledge-Making in the Global South by Mario Novelli, Birgül Kutan, Patrick Kane, Adnan Çelik, Tejendra Pherali, and Saranel Benjamin, João Souto-Maior highlights the authors’ in-depth qualitative analysis of how social movements create spaces for learning, knowledge creation, and social transformation. Souto-Maior points out the unique contribution this book makes to the education in emergencies field through its discussion of the microlevel processes that shape social movements. Based on the authors’ participatory action research, this book is a meaningful methodological addition to the education in emergencies field for scholars and practitioners who are interested in forging meaningful relationships with individuals and organizations directly engaged in social change.
ISSN: 2518-6833
Rights: The Journal on Education in Emergencies, published by the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Appears in Collections:Volume 10, Number 1

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