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Authors: Johar, Hardeep
Dhar, Vasant
Issue Date: Mar-1991
Publisher: Stern School of Business, New York University
Series/Report no.: IS-91-03
Abstract: When dealing with nearly decomposable problems such as those described by Simon (1973), the problem components may be worked on by different problem solvers that are spatially and temporally separated, with each problem solver constrained by assumptions it makes about the activities and choices of other problem solvers, that is by partial knowledge of the global problem. There are advantages to maintaining multiple solutions locally for as long as possible, even though a single final solution is desired. When it becomes less desirable to retract certain assumptions, these become constraints for other problem solvers and can be communicated to them via a truth maintenance system. We describe an extended architecture for an ATMS for these kinds of decomposable problems
Appears in Collections:IOMS: Information Systems Working Papers

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