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Bibliometrics: A potential decision making aid in hiring, reappointment, tenure and promotion decisions

Authors: Holden Gary
Rosenberg Gary
Barker Kathleen
Keywords: bibliometric;sociology of science;tenure;promotion;reappointment;academic employment decision making;hiring;personnel evaluation
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2007
Abstract: The assessment of scholarship assumes a central role in the evaluation of individual faculty, educational programs and academic fields. Because the production and assessment of scholarship is so central to the faculty role, it is incumbent upon decision makers to strive to make assessments of scholarship fair and equitable. This paper will focus on an approach to the assessment of the quantity and impact of the most important subset of an individual’s scholarship – peer-reviewed journal articles. The primary goal of this paper is to stimulate discussion regarding scholarship assessment in hiring, reappointment, tenure and promotion decisions. Final version of manuscript for citation: Holden, G., Rosenberg, G., & Barker, K (2005). Bibliometrics: A potential decision making aid in hiring, reappointment, tenure and promotion decisions. Social Work in Health Care, 41, ¾, 67-92. © by The Haworth Press, Inc.
Rights: © by The Haworth Press, Inc.
Appears in Collections:Gary Holden's Collection

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