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Results 1-10 of 15

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Visualization in the Digital Humanities: Moving Toward Stronger CollaborationsBradley, Adam James; El-Assady, Mennatallah; Coles, Katherine; Alexander, Eric; Chen, Min; Collins, Christopher; Jänicke, Stefan; Wrisley, David Joseph
2019Practical, Efficient, and Customizable Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition in the Digital HumanitiesErdmann, Alexander; Wrisley, David Joseph; Brown, Christopher; Cohen-Bodénès, Sophie; Elsner, Micha; Feng, Yukun; Joseph, Brian; Joyeux-Prunel, Béatrice; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine
2016The Different Styles of Christine de Pizan: An Initial Stylometric AnalysisWrisley, David Joseph; Richards, Earl Jeffrey; Dulac, Liliane
17-Dec-2020Digital humanities practices and archival appraisal in the contemporary Arab worldBrad, Bauer; Wrisley, David Joseph
2015Spatial Humanities: An Agenda for Pre-Modern ResearchWrisley, David Joseph
Sep-2017Creating Geotagged Humanities Data via Mobile Phone: Opportunities and ChallengesWrisley, David Joseph; Hawat, Mario; Rahme, Dalal
Oct-2017Locating Medieval French, or Why We Collect and Visualize the Geographic Information of TextsWrisley, David Joseph
2016Modeling the Transmission of al-Mubashshir Ibn Fātik’s Mukhtār al-Ḥikam in Medieval Europe: Some Initial Data-Driven ExplorationsWrisley, David Joseph
2018The Literary Geographies of Christine de PizanWrisley, David Joseph
13-Jun-2021Automatic Transcription of BnF ms fr 24428 with TranskribusWrisley, David Joseph; Guéville, Estelle; Krawczyk, Iwona