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Teaching Information Literacy in the Digital Ancient Mediterranean Classroom

Other Titles: Digital Approaches to Teaching the Ancient Mediterranean (ed. Sebastian Heath)
Authors: Ratzan, David Martyn
Keywords: Classics, ancient history, digital literacy, information literacy, cartography, digital humanities, pedagogy, mapping, papyrology, Greco-Roman Egypt, ACRL framework
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Publisher: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota
Citation: Ratzan, D. M. (2020). “Teaching Information Literacy in the Digital Ancient Mediterranean Classroom,” in S. Heath, ed., Digital Approaches to Teaching the Ancient Mediterranean (Grand Forks, ND: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota): 31-70.
Abstract: This chapter argues that designing activities and paper topics with information literacy in mind can help to lay a foundation for critical engagement with digital approaches as well as to adumbrate for a non-specialist, undergraduate audience the distinctive challenges, pleasures, and intellectual value of studying the ancient world. This chapter contains a review of the recent shift in the theory and practice of information literacy in the United States and the description of specific projects I have assigned in class that include an information literacy objective.
ISBN: 9781734506822
Rights: Governed by a CC Attribution 4.0 license:
Appears in Collections:David M. Ratzan's Publications

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Ratzan2020_datam_final.pdfPublished version of D. M. Ratzan (2020), “Teaching Information Literacy in the Digital Ancient Mediterranean Classroom,” in S. Heath, ed., Digital Approaches to Teaching the Ancient Mediterranean (Grand Forks, ND: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota): 31-70. kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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