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Authors: Bieber, Michael P.
Kimbrough, Steven O.
Issue Date: 24-Jun-1992
Publisher: Stern School of Business, New York University
Series/Report no.: IS-93-04
Abstract: Hypertext is one of those neat ideas in computing that periodically burst upon the scene, quickly demonstrating their usefulness and gaining widespread acceptance. As interesting, useful and exciting as hypertext is, the concept has certain problems and limitations, many of which are widely recognized. In this paper we describe what we call basic hypertext and we present a logic model for it. Basic hypertext should be thought of as a rigorously-presented approximation of first-generation hypertext concepts. Following our discussion of basic hypertext, we present our concept of generalized hypertext, which is aimed at overcoming certain of the limitations of basic hypertext and which we have implemented in a DSS shell called Max. We then present a logic model for browsing in generalized hypertext.
Appears in Collections:IOMS: Information Systems Working Papers

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