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Bridge of Light

Collection's Items: 1 to 20 of 179

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-A bereaved father (Leon Schacter) flings a blood-stained talis at the exloitative factory owner (Mikhel Mikhalesko) in Joseph Seiden's version of the Jacob Gordin play, Got, Mentsh, un Tayvl (U.S.A., 1950).-
-A devasta ted shtetl in Jews on the Land.-
-A figure of pathos rather than autority: Rudolf Schildkraut in Edward Sloman's His People (U.S.A., 1925).-
-A half-traditional celebration: the old allrightnik marries the young daughter of one of his employees (Judith Abarbanel), in Uncle Moses.-
-A Jewish guardsman in the service of a Polish count: Maurice Schwartz in Sidney Goldin's Yisker (Austria, 1924).-
-A Jewish kolkhoz in the Crimea: Jews on the Land.-
-A moment of happiness: the long-suffering Dobrish (Lucy German, center left)sees her errant daughter (Gertrude Bullman) married in A Brivele der Mamen (Poland, 1939).-
-A movie house in Belorussia, 1914. The poster advertises the film Twin Sisters.-
-A pious cantor (Isidore Cashier) is reduced to working in a newstand in Joseph Seiden's Der Yiddish Nign (U.S.A., 1940) The film turned Europe into a fantasy realm; the customer at the extreme left holds a copy of the Daily News with the headline "Hitler Terror".-
-A rabbi advises his people in Columbia's None Shall Escape (U.S.A., 1944). In dubbing the picture, Tel Aviv exhibitor Ya'acov Davidon altered this scene so that the rabbi exhorts the Jews in Yiddish to fight the Germans.-
-A street in the Prague ghetto: The Golem.-
-A sweatshop and amom-and-pop store: Joseph Seiden, second from left, directs Chaim Tauber, seated behind a sewing machine, in Motl der Operator (U.S.A., 1939).-
-A virtuoso cantorial performance opens the last Soviet shtetl film, Mikhail Dubson's 1935 Border.-
-A wedding canopy is raised in the graveyard in Mikhail Dubson's Boorder.-
-A Yiddish vaudeville house-
-Abe (Michael Rosenberg) reproaches his errant Bertha (Charlotte Goldstein) in Joseph Seiden's Last film, Dray Tekhter (U.S.A., 1950).-
-About to be married, Tenye's daughter Khave (Miriam Riselle) has second thoughts; her Ukrainian groom (Leon Liebgold) stands behind her on the right. Tevye der Milkhiker.-
-Adam Domb, who played Ida Kaminska's father in the original Tkies Kaf, appears as her father-in-law in On a Heym.-
-Al Khet, 1936, was the first dramatic Yiddish talkie made in Poland. This scene shows Rokhl Holzer and Avrom Morevsky and is directed by Aleksander Marten-
-Aleksander Ford in the mid-1930s. The youthful doyen of Poland's politically commited cineastes directed Sabra and Mir Kumen On.-