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Yale Strom Collection

Collection's Items: 1 to 11 of 11

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-A cover for a book of sheet music from 1911, titled "Jewish National Dance (Balabusta)." The book is put together by I. Morgenshtern and published by S.Y. Yambor. Its selling price is 10 kopeyeks.-
-A wedding picture of Tzvi Kleiman and his wife taken around 1922, in Przemyslany, Poland.-
-Eli Mermelstein is an amateur Klezmer from Kosice, Slovakia, who played before WWII in Carpathian towns.-
-In Hodasz, Hungary, this Rom (gypsy) violinist learned Klezmer from the neighboring Jewish musicians, before WWII. Today, the Jewish community of Hodasz is just a memory, but Klezmer melodies still survive among the Rom.Occasionally this man travels to Budapest to play for tourists.-
-Leopold (left) and Adolf (right) Kleinman in Przemyslany, Poland, 1932.-
-Leopold (left) and Adolf (right) Kleinman with their mother in Przemyslany, Poland, 1928.-
-Leopold (left) and Adolf (right) Kleinman, in Przemyslany, Poland, 1832.-
-Leopold Kozlowski is a nephew of the famous Brandwen Klezmer clarinetist. Today he is a Klezmer musician, playing in Krakow, Poland as both a pianist and an accordionist. Leopold is the link between pre-WWII Klezmer in Poland, and it's revival in Krakow today. He is also the subject of a book by Yale Strom <i>The Last Klezmer</i>.Rosenberg, Israel
-<p>Born in Dorokoi, Romania, Ionel Gotescu (Itzkhok Gott) achieved fame as a conductor and musician at home and abroad. With his father and three brothers a family Klezmer band was formed, making a tour throughout Moldavia.</p> <p>Ionel Gotescu is a link between Klezmer of the pre-WWII "shtetles" and the Klezmer of Communist Eastern Europe.</p>-
-Tzi Segula is a Klezmer violinist from Krakow, Poland. He played in the 1930's in and around Nawy Sancz, Poland. Being an amateur, Tzi was hired as more of an extra man, rather than the lead musician.-
-Valentin Valentinovich is a Rom (gypsy) violinist from Vylok, Ukraine. He was taught Klezmer by his Jewish friends in Vinohradov, Ukraine. The Jewish community of his town has vanished, but the art of Klezmer lives on among the Rom, through musicians such as Valentin.-