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dc.contributor.authorKaper, Olaf E.-
dc.identifier.citationBulletin de l'Institut Français Archéologie Orientale 110 (2010), pp. 115-126en
dc.description.abstractAmheida, located in the western end of the Dakhleh Oasis, is a large settlement site that contains archaeological remains from all historical periods of antiquity. Since 2004, excavations have been conducted at this site, bringing to light important remains from the 4th century AD and earlier. The presence of a pharaonic temple at the site was known already previously from the presence on the surface of a block of temple relief and a scatter of stone fragments. The recent excavations have identified these remains as a temple dedicated to Thoth built in pharaonic and Roman times. The present article focuses on a single find from the site of the later temple to Thoth. It is a New Kingdom ostracon found among rubble in an otherwise heavily disturbed context.en
dc.subjectAncient Egypten
dc.subjectLate Antique Egypten
dc.subjectRoman Egypten
dc.subjectDakhla Oasisen
dc.subjectLate Period Egypten
dc.subjectThird Intermediate Period Egypten
dc.titleA Kemyt Ostracon from Amheida, Dakhleh Oasisen
Appears in Collections:The NYU Amheida Excavations

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